Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский

excessive fine

  • 1 чрезмерный штраф

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > чрезмерный штраф

  • 2 мелкая пыль

    1. fine dust


    мелкая пыль

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    fine dust
    Air-borne solid particles, originating from human activity and natural sources, such as wind-blown soil and fires, that eventually settle through the force of gravity, and can cause injury to human and other animal respiratory systems through excessive inhalation. (Source: ALL)





    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > мелкая пыль

  • 3 способность

    способность сущ
    несущая способность
    1. bearing capacity
    2. bearing power 3. bearing strength (покрытия ВПП) 4. load-bearing ability 5. load bearing capacity несущая способность крыла
    wing bearing capacity
    оценка способности принимать на слух
    aural reception test
    повышенная способность поглощать звук
    excessive sound absorption characteristic
    пропускная способность
    acceptance rate
    пропускная способность аэродрома
    aerodrome handing capacity
    пропускная способность аэропорта
    airport capacity
    пропускная способность воздушного пространства
    airspace capacity
    пропускная способность ВПП
    1. runway capacity
    2. runway acceptance rate пропускная способность по числу посадок
    landing capacity
    радиолокатор с большой разрешающей способностью
    fine grain radar
    разрешающая способность по дальности
    range resolution
    разрешающая способность при опознавании
    identity resolution
    разрешающая способность радиолокатора
    radar resolution
    сеть с высокой пропускной способностью
    high level network
    способность видеть и избегать
    see and avoid capability
    способность выполнять посадку в сложных метеорологических условиях
    all-weather landing capability
    способность управлять
    ability to conduct

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > способность

  • 4 фильтр

    фильтр сущ
    блок фильтров
    filter stack
    воздушный фильтр
    air filter
    высокочастотный фильтр
    high-pass filter
    засорение фильтра
    filter clogging
    засоренный фильтр
    clogged filter
    масляный фильтр
    oil filter
    низкочастотный фильтр
    low-pass filter
    октавный полосовой фильтр
    octave band filter
    падение давления на фильтре
    excessive pressure drop
    полосовой фильтр
    bandpass filter
    сетчатый фильтр
    1. screen filter
    2. gauze filter сетчатый фильтр воздухоприемника
    air inlet screen
    сливной клапан фильтра
    filter drain valve
    топливный фильтр
    1. fuel screen
    2. fuel filter фильтр высокого давления
    high pressure filter
    фильтр грубой очистки
    1. coarse filter
    2. primary filter фильтр двигателя
    engine screen
    фильтр нагнетающей магистрали
    pressure filter
    фильтр низкого давления
    low pressure filter
    фильтр радиопомех
    noise filter
    фильтр с автоматической очисткой
    1. self-cleaning filter
    2. depolluting filter фильтр с защитной сеткой
    gauze strainer
    фильтр - сигнализатор наличия стружки
    chip-defect filter
    фильтр тонкой очистки
    1. fine filter
    2. secondary filter фильтр частотной полосы
    band filter
    частотный фильтр
    frequency filter
    щелевой фильтр
    slot-type filter

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > фильтр

См. также в других словарях:

  • excessive fine — or penalty The 8th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as well as the constitutions of the various states, prohibits excessive fines. A state may not constitutionally imprison a person for inability to pay a fine if he would not have been… …   Black's law dictionary

  • excessive fine — or penalty The 8th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as well as the constitutions of the various states, prohibits excessive fines. A state may not constitutionally imprison a person for inability to pay a fine if he would not have been… …   Black's law dictionary

  • excessive fine — An imposition prohibited by the Constitution of the United States and many of the state constitutions; a relative matter, dependent upon many factors, including the financial status of the person penalized. An imposition so disproportionate to… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • excessive penalty — excessive fine or penalty The 8th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as well as the constitutions of the various states, prohibits excessive fines. A state may not constitutionally imprison a person for inability to pay a fine if he would not… …   Black's law dictionary

  • excessive penalty — excessive fine or penalty The 8th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as well as the constitutions of the various states, prohibits excessive fines. A state may not constitutionally imprison a person for inability to pay a fine if he would not… …   Black's law dictionary

  • fine — 1 n [Anglo French fin fine & Medieval Latin finis end, boundary, agreement, payment for release or privilege, monetary penalty, from Latin finis end, boundary] 1: a sum imposed as punishment for an offense compare restitution 2: a forfeiture or… …   Law dictionary

  • excessive punishment — Any sentence or fine which is not commensurate with the gravity of the offense or the criminal record of the defendant. Excessive punishments under 8th Amendment are those which by their length or severity are greatly disproportionate to offenses …   Black's law dictionary

  • excessive punishment — Any sentence or fine which is not commensurate with the gravity of the offense or the criminal record of the defendant. Excessive punishments under 8th Amendment are those which by their length or severity are greatly disproportionate to offenses …   Black's law dictionary

  • fine — A sum of money exacted of a person guilty of an offense as a pecuniary punishment, the amount of which may be fixed by law or left to the discretion of the court. 21 Am J2d Crim L § 599. A payment required of a member of a club, society, or… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • fine-spun — (fīnʹspŭnʹ) adj. 1. Developed to extreme fineness or subtlety; elaborate. 2. Developed to excessive fineness; overwrought. * * * …   Universalium

  • Fine (penalty) — A fine is money paid usually to superior authority, usually governmental authority, as punishment for a crime or other offence. The fine bill for violation of traffic law in Czech Republic The most usual use of the term, fine, relates to a… …   Wikipedia

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